
Alex Feig

Former band member Alex Feig was one of the original members of “A” Blues Band. As drummer and vocalist, the band enjoyed many years of musicianship and camaraderie with this talented musician. Alex contributed to the “Thrown From the Track” CD as a musician, songwriter and engineer.

In Alex’s words:

"I was always interested in art as a kid, then my Dad got me a green Ibanez electric guitar for Christmas when I was fifteen. I started writing songs and quickly formed a punk rock band "Jebus" with my two closest friends at the time. I soon started to take an interest in recording and over the years picked up a few more instruments. I've since expanded my song writing into new genres from folk to experimental to metal and even KJV psalms. As a frontman for former bands like "Shotgun Willy", "Blessed Old Bones", "Great White Plains" and drummer for "The Capitals", I'm happy and so blessed to have been with the great group of brothers that is "A" Blues Band." - Alex

The band wishes all the best to Brother Alex in his future endeavors. And, as musical paths cross in the future, there will be opportunities for all of us to enjoy making music together!

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